-------------- Cool Edit 1.53 -------------- Thank you for choosing Cool Edit! To complete the installation, you must add Cool Edit as an icon on your desktop. If you use Windows 95, you can also add Cool Edit to your Start menu. To add Cool Edit to your desktop in Windows 3.1, go to Program Manager, select /File/New, select Item, click on Browse, and find COOL.EXE in the directory to which you installed Cool Edit. To add Cool Edit to the Windows 95 Start menu, right-click on the Taskbar, select Properties from the pop-up menu, click on the Start Menu Programs tab, click on the Add button, and find COOL.EXE. To add Cool Edit to your desktop icons, right-click on your desktop or in the folder of your choice, select New and then Shortcut from the pop-up menu, and find COOL.EXE. Note: we encourage Windows 95 users to download Cool Edit 95 from Syntrillium's web site at http://www.syntrillium.com. Installation is complete once you have added Cool Edit to your Start menu or desktop. ------------ NOTICE TO REGISTERED USERS OF PREVIOUS VERSIONS: If you registered and are currently using Cool Edit 1.50 or any earlier version, you will need a new password to unlock Cool Edit 1.53. E-mail your name and address to syntrill@aol.com to request a new number free of charge. Check out Syntrillium Software's World Wide Web site at: http://www.syntrillium.com To Register, pull down Cool Edit's Help menu and select "Registration Form". This Help topic explains how to register; to see the form itself, click on the words "Registration Form" at the bottom. You can select the entire form with the mouse and then copy it to a text editor or word processor. Cool Edit is (c)1992-1996 David Johnston and (c)1995-1996 Syntrillium Software Corporation.